History of Christian County Crime Stoppers Inc.

In 1987, Officer David Childers approached Dan Austin with an idea to form Christian County Crimestoppers. Dan’s father was President of Crimestoppers of Sangamon and Menard Counties and thus Dan knew a little about Crimestoppers and was able to get the aid of a Officer Neal Williamson who was then Coordinator for Sangamon and Menard Counties. Members of the community and throughout the county were approached to become board members and Christian County Crimestoppers was incorporated. Later that year, the corporation received its Section 501(C)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service. The officers of the first board were Dan Austin, President; Dr. Tom Brewer, Vice President; Marsha Linton, Secretary; Ron Fleming Treasurer; and David Childers as the coordinator.

In the early years, the board was able to pay rewards from contributors and the proceeds from fundraisers. In May1989, Bill Nation became the coordinator and he acted in that capacity until his retirement in February 2004, serving as the longest acting coordinator. During those years, the board was active in solving crimes and getting the name Crimestoppers before the public. Great strides have been made over the years with improved technology to include the ability to give tips securely by email and by phone texting. Over 50 individuals have served on the Crimestoppers board over the years from all over the county.
Over 600 crimes have been solved and $700,000 of stolen property recovered or drugs confiscated.

Christian County Crime Stoppers is a member of the Crime Stoppers International, Crime Stoppers USA and Illinois State Crime Stoppers Association (ISCSA) with acknowledgement of excellence by “State Certification” from the ISCSA.

The following officers of the Taylorville Police Department have served as coordinator: David Childers, 1987-1989; Bill Nation 1989 - 2004, Rick Bryan 2004-2007 and Alan Mills 2007 - present.

Christian County Crime Stoppers continues to work with the citizens, law enforcement and the media to promote Crime Stoppers and crime prevention to make Christian County a safer and better place to live.